Who you spend time with determines your success

I am positive that a huge part of my success this far in life is because of who I surround myself with.

Here are a few groups and people that I have put myself around to be successful, inspired, supported, pushed, and motivated…

💜Northwestern Softball

👫Mom and Dad

🥰My boyfriend

🏋️‍♀️Crossfit Incendia (led me to my first 2 jobs, boyfriend, and current coach)

☀️Amanda Walker

📱The Inner Circle (Group Coaching Program I am in by Amanda Walker)

🧠Mindset Coach Collab Girls (Kadee, Shay, Jill, and Sam)


👯‍♀️My closest friends

💻Jacqueline’s Mastermind

These groups and people have made a significant impact on my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them and I wouldn’t be going where I’m going without them.

Who you spend your time with MATTERS! 💪

If you’ve ever spent time with anyone or any groups that bring you down, make you feel small, or leading you in the wrong direction… you know why this MATTERS!

At church one week they talked about how cutting away things or people is mandatory for growth. Even if it’s painful. 🌿

There are times you are going to have to let go of a relationship, a friendship, a group and it’s going to hurt. But… it’s necessary for your growth. 🌿

I want this to be a reminder to always, always trust your gut. Trust that voice inside that will lead you to your people and that voice inside that is telling you to let go of the people you need to cut away. ✨

Surround yourself with positive, loving, caring, supportive, motivating, inspiring groups and people. You won’t regret it. 💗

Who are your people?!

Need an amazing group of girl athletes led by a mentor?! 🤷‍♀️

Holy smokes. I know of one. 🤗

The Confident Athlete Mini Camp is going to have a group of girl athletes who want more out of themselves, want confidence, and to become the best versions of themselves. 💪💪💪

I’m the mentor! I will support you, challenge you, cheer for you, and lead you in the right direction. 👏

What better place to spend time with people who will help you succeed?!

Sign up for The Confident Athlete Mini Camp SOON! It’s almost here. July 28th to be exact!

Keep on keepin’ on,


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