How to avoid letting one mistake turn into a bad day

Have you ever made that one mistake and all the sudden it feels like the world is ending?

Or… that one mistake led to 5 more mistakes.

Or… you make that mistake and it’s all you can think about for the rest of the day?

I feel ya girl! 

And I’ve got YOU!

I teach my girls in my program these 4️⃣ steps to confidence after a mistake…

1️⃣ Awareness

Just knowing that your thoughts are starting to spiral to a destruction and having the mindfulness to be like, “Paige...it’s happening, shift your thoughts.”

2️⃣ Reflect

Ask yourself these 3 questions. 

What did I do well?

What did I not do so well? (this is the easy one)

How do I get better?

3️⃣ Remodel

See the lesson in your mistake. Learn from it. Use it as fuel. Use it as a tool to get better and move forward. Tell yourself what you ARE actually capable of!

Pro tip: this is where affirmations come in! 

Example: “This was one mistake. I’m a powerhouse. I can hit anything. Focus on what’s next.”

4️⃣ GO!

Hit the go button. Trust your preparation. Trust your words. Trust your intuition. Trust YOU!

💪🧠 You get to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Let go of the results.

Play for you. Play hard. Play for fun!

This is how you put a stop to letting one little mistake turn into a bad day, a bad weekend, a bad week!

Don’t miss out on the FREE Online Workshop TONIGHTTTTTT! 

3 Reasons You Aren’t Feeling Confident

We will be doing some mental training exercises just like this in that workshop! 

Sign up NOW to get your spot in the FREE workshop! 

Keep on keepin’ on,

💕 Paige 


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