Imagine if you did this before your next game...

Are you focused on the negative outcomes? What might go wrong? Afraid to fail? 

What if you said all of these things before your next game instead of worrying about all the things that might not go successfully?

I am STRONG. I am BEAUTIFUL. I am in POWER. I TRUST myself.  I CHARGE forward when things get tough. I trust my GUT. I love CHALLENGES. I can do anything I set my MIND to. I EMPOWER others around me. I LEAD with purpose. I bet on MYSELF. I am a DREAMER and a DOER. I make a DIFFERENCE and I am IMPORTANT. I choose HAPPINESS. I am a WARRIOR in competition and life. I am CONFIDENT. 

How do you think you would feel? Excited? Motivated? Confident?

Try this before your next game! You can use these exact affirmations that are the motto for The Confident Athlete!

Remember, what you think and say is what you believe, so be intentional about what you are thinking and saying before games!

Did you know I have a free Self Talk Practice you can download and work on what you say and think just like this?! Oooo and you can even take it a step further and purchase Game Ready Confidence (pre-game mindset routine) for just $19! All tools to focus on what you think and say! 


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