What successful athletes are doing...

We are all students.

What I mean by that, is we are always learning. Always growing.

On this journey I’ve been on to create my vision of helping girl athletes create confidence and kick @$& in their games, I’ve had to learn a lot. I’ve had to grow a lot.

And I definitely do it alone.

➡️ I’ve surrounded myself with other people creating visions (aka started a business and thriving).

➡️ I’ve asked a million questions from the people who have already done it. Have found success.

➡️ I watch those people closely and take a lot of notes.

I’ve watched, observed, asked, learned, and now I DO it in my own personal way that works for me.

What I am trying to say here is successful athletes and successful people learn from other successful athletes and people and then…


So, what are the successful athletes doing?! And how can you start taking action doing what they are doing? 

Successful athletes are…

🟠 Working on themselves outside of their physical practices and training (aka mental work)

🟠 Visualizing success

🟠 Manifesting success

🟠 Learning from failure

🟠 Asking for help

🟠 Empowering themselves with powerful self talk

🟠 Practicing self love

🟠 Using and sticking to routines

🟠 Fueling their bodies (foooood)

🟠 Being mindful about resting

🟠 Making a plan

Which of these things are you doing? Which of these things do you need to start doing more of?

If it’s working for the successful athletes, it will work for you too!

Take action!

Speaking of taking action! I have a way you can start doing a few of these things right away! I have a FREE Online Workshop called 3 Easy Steps to Start Feeling Confident coming up at the end of October! Get your spot ASAP here!

Keep on keepin’ on,

Call To Action