How to help your athlete to stop overthinking

Is your daughter the ultimate overthinker?!


I was talking with an athlete in one of  last week’s Mindset Lessons and I asked her to share what she was thinking and feeling before she went to serve…

She listed out about 15 things and I was like oh, girl!!! You are thinking about wayyyyy too many things before you perform!

These thoughts, worries, doubts, fears just flood her mind and she doesn’t know how to let them go…

You’re over in the stands, or let’s face it, pacing back and forth, contemplating covering your eyes like it’s a scary movie because you can tell she’s doing that overthinking thing, looking defeated before anything has even happened yet! 

Good news for you, we will be working on exactly this in our Mindset Lessons THIS WEEK!

I’ll be walking the athletes that show up how to…

👏 Notice triggering thoughts that are making her overthink

👏 How to stop overthinking by KEEPING IT SIMPLE!

👏 Focusing on the things that are in her control 

👏 Creating a plan to let go of the overthinking and keeping it simple: breathe, a tool that will help distract her and focus on the task at hand

👏 Visualize herself keeping it simple and being successful! 

It’s going to be a game-changer and you can finally relax and maybe even sit in your chair rather than pacing! Sign her up for this week’s Mindset Lesson and help her stop overthinking PRONTO!

Schedule here! 

💕 Paige

P.S. If your daughter has never been in The Confident Athlete Program, we are currently enrolling (until Wednesday, February 23rd) and it is the fast-track to building confidence and feeling at peace knowing your daughter has the tools to be successful not only as an athlete but as a young woman!

Learn more here! 

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